Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Four-Letter Words of the Newspaper Business

I saw a funny post at a blog called Content Bridges (http://www.contentbridges.com/) by Ken Doctor (don't know if that's his real name), titled "The Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say in a Newspaper Building." As in comedian George Carlin's "7 Dirty Words You Can't Say on Television." Those of you of a certain age (and you know who you are) know what I'm talkin' about. So, naturally, I thought I'd rip it off. And in the best newspaper tradition, with proper attribution, of course. I'm tossing in a few four-letter words of my own. You are free to try your hand at it here as well.

Here are Doctor's words:


To that I would add:

Copy Desk -- In its recent newsroom reorganization, the Tampa Tribune renamed the copy desk the "finishing circle." Is that the same as a sewing circle? Circle of love?

Column Inches -- Hey, the virtual world is limitless. Write your hearts out, folks. No more pica rulers!

Deadline -- There used to be one hour of power in the day that would make us all stop and genuflect. Now there are rolling deadlines throughout the day.

Reporting -- Who has time to report anymore with rolling deadlines? Where is the hyper local coverage if there are no reporters?

Management -- Again, I turn to the Tampa Tribune for enlightenment. The paper has renamed newsroom management (otherwise known as the big enchiladas) "newsroom leaders." Ha! Don't they know that's an oxymoron? There are no such beings.

However, I have known my fair share of newsroom weasels.